Martin Tamcke, Uniwersytet w Getyndze (Niemcy)
Topic: Why Christian Orient matters?
Prof. Tamcke serves as Visiting Professor at universities in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. He also teaches at Orthodox and Islamic Faculties abroad on a regular basis. Additionally, he is member of several academic societies and is appointed to different functions for the Evangelical Church of Germany (Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland).
The focus of Prof. Dr. Dr. hc. Tamckes research lies on the christian cultures of the Near and Middle East with special emphasis on interreligious coexistence and oriental-occidental relations. He has published numerous monographs, papers, and articles on this topic.

Maria Ha Fong Ko, Papieski Wydział Nauk o Edukacji “Auxilium”, Rzym (Włochy), Holy Spirit Seminary Hong Kong, Hong Kong (Chiny)
Topic: La “corsa” della Parola sulla Via della seta. Riflessioni sulla recezione della Bibbia nella cultura cinese (The ‘race’ of the Word on the Silk Road. Reflections on the reception of the Bible in Chinese culture)
Maria KO Ha-Fong, Salesian sister of Don Bosco, is Chinese. She studied Educational Sciences in Italy, and Theology in Germany. She teaches as Professor Emeritus of New Testament Exegesis at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences “Auxilium”, Rome, and at several Catholic Institutions in China.

Michael Abdalla, UAM Poznań (Polska)
Topic: The “Nineveh Fast” – Its genesis and manner of observance in the Syro-Mesopotamian Churches
Emeritus professor at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, a speaker of the
Turabdin dialect of the Syriac language. He dealt with the culinary traditions of his Assyrian community, combining them simultaneously with research on widely understood folk culture, the history of the Syro-Mesopotamian Church and spirituality.

Baby Varghese, SEERI, Kottayam (Indie)
Topic: Syriac Sources for the History of the Early Christian Liturgy: An Overview
Priest of the Malankara Orthodox Church (India), Professor at SEERI, Kottayam (MG University, Kottayam, Kerala, India) and Professor Emeritus at Orthodox Theological Seminary, Kottayam (1985-2019). He had earned PhD from Sorbonne, University of Paris IV (1985) and Post Doctoral Studies at FU Berlin with Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (1994-1996). He has written extensively on many areas of Syriac Liturgy.

Bishara Ebeid, Uniwersytet Ca’ Foscari, Wenecja (Włochy)
Topic: Christianity in Holy Land: Undiscovered Contribution to Interreligious Dialogue
Bishara Ebeid got his first doctoral degree in 2014 at the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome, his dissertation was on the Christology of Christian Arabic authors during the 10th and 11th centuries. In 2019 he obtained his second doctoral degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with a dissertation on the figure of Pontius Pilate in the New Testament and in apocryphal literature. Since February 2019 he works as an Assistant Professor at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.

Jacob T.A. Thekeparambil, Founder and Director of SEERI (Indie)
Topic: Syriac language and liturgy an enrichment for India
Founder and Director of St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute (SEERI) in Kottayam, Kerala – India, which is the Regional Centre of the Mahatma Gandhi University for M.A. Syriac and the Research Centre for Ph.D in Syriac.

Ioniţă Apostolache, University of Karjova (Romania)
Topic: Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae and Mircea Eliade in the Theological and cultural heritage of the Christian Orient
His academic preoccupation is Apologetics and Syriac Theology. He writes many articles in some know Periodicals from Romania and from outside the country. He graduated from a postdoctoral research program at the Pontifical Oriental Institute (PIO) of Rome. His most important books are Christology and Mystic in the Syriac Theology (2013), The Orthodox Apologetic – confession and apostleship (2017), Spiritual Words, peoples and places from the History of the Church from Oltenia (vol. I – 2017; vol. II – 2018), The Luminous Darkness. I. Confluences and mystical ideas at the Oriental Fathers. II. The letters of John Sabba, the Syrian mystic from Mount of Dalyatha (2019). He also translated in the Romanian language several very important papers and books of Dr. Sebastian Brock: Brief Outline of the Syriac Literature (2016) and The Bride of Light (2019), at the Metropolia Olteniei Publishing House, from Craiova, Romania. The present work, Daco-roman confession work in the Eternal City, represents a research post-doctoral project, finished in Rome, in 2018, at the PIO.

Adrian Boldisor, University of Karjova (Romania)
Topic: Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae and Mircea Eliade in the Theological and cultural heritage of the Christian Orient
He studied Mircea Eliade in the context of his Christian valences of his work. His last published books are: The Interreligious Dialogue (Craiova, 2015) and The Orthodoxy Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Craiova, 2019).

Jurij Shchurko, Ukrainian Catholic University (Ukraina)
Topic: What can Christian West and East learn from each other?
Fr. Yuriy Shchurko received his Doctor of Biblical Theology at the University of Opole (Poland) and is currently the Dean of The Faculty of Theology and Philosophy at the Ukrainian Catholic University. He also is a coordinator of Judeo-Christian Studies at the UCU. He serves as a member of the Council for Evangelization by the Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church and adviser of the Theological Department of UGCC.

Garry Pang, Hong Kong
Topic: The holistic ministry of the white robed Jingjiao priest白衣景士 Yisi 伊斯(Yazedbouzid)
His area of research is Jingjiao (The Chinese unique term for the Church of the East) in Tang Dynasty(618-907) of ancient China.

Jan Witold Żelazny Krakow (Poland)
Topic: Outfits change, countries change, and mentality remains… A study of the correspondence of Timothy I, Patriarch of Baghdad. Problems of inculturation in the Church of the Orient (8th-9th centuries) on the example of marriages between relatives
Priest of Archdiocese of Krakow since 1991, MA in Physics, Ph.D. in Theology (pathology), has been working on Oriental patrology since 2007. He is the Archbishop’s delegate for cooperation with L’Oeuvre d’Orient. Hobby-diving (PADI instructor).

Mateusz Rafał Potoczny, Opole (Poland)
Topic: Liturgy as an essential element of the identity of Eastern Christians
Priest of the Diocese of Opole, professor of Sacred Liturgy and Christian Oriental Liturgy; Dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Opole. Specialist in the Liturgy of the Syriac Churches and Christianity in India.

Norbert Widok, Opole (Poland)
Topic: The Apostolic Symbol as a form of the heritage of faith
Prof. Dr. Norbert Widok completed his specialist studies in classical philology (1986-1991) and in patrology (1987-1991) at the Catholic University of Lublin (Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Theology), which he deepened by continuing them (1992-1993) at the Salesian Pontifical University (Faculty of Christian and Classical Literature) in Rome. Since 1994, he has been teaching patrology and teaching Latin. Since 2014, he has been Head of the Department of Biblical Theology, Church History, and Patrology within the Institute of Theological Sciences of the same Faculty. His research concerns the theological writings of the Eastern Church Fathers. He wrote several books and more than 200 articles on patristic topics.
Olgierd Lenczewski (Kraków, Poland)
Temat: The Holy Land in the eyes of Norbert Golichowski
Emil Anton (Helsinki, Finland)
Temat: The Church of Mesopotamia: an outline of her history and cultural influence
Krystian Kałuża (Opole, Poland)
Temat: Syriac Christianity and beginnings of Islam
René Roux (Lugano, Switzerland)
Temat: Jesus Christ in Early Syriac Literature
Waldemar Cisło (Warszawa, Poland)
Temat: The witness of faith of the Christian Martyrs of 20th century
Patryk Massang CssR (Ipoh, Malaysia)
Temat: The situation of Christians in Malaysia and Singapore
Marek Tylkowski (Warszawa, Poland)
Temat: The situation of the Catholic Church in China
Kurian Kachappilly (Bangalore, India)
Temat: Indian Christianity today: Good News and Bad News
Zygfryd Glaeser (Opole, Poland)
Temat: Eastern monasticism as the source and form of Georgian Orthodox liturgical spirituality
Waldemar Bartocha (Warszawa, Poland)
Temat: Ordinations and ministries in the Eastern Churches in comparison with Roman Catholic practice
Krzysztof Homa SJ (Kraków, Poland)
Temat: Polish Jesuits and the East
Aleksander Posacki SJ (Kraków, Poland)
Temat: Cardinal Tomasz Spidlik SJ and his academic and ecumenical work in the dialogue with the Orthodox Church
Paul Karamel (Rome, Italy)
Temat: Martyrdom in the West Syriac liturgical tradition
Piotr Sterlingow (Warszawa, Poland)
Temat: The actuality of the Gerontikon in today’s monastic tradition of the Saint Mount Athos
Michał M. Petka (Opole, Poland)
Temat: The effects of intermingling Eastern and Western rites
Cyprian Tkacz (Opole, Poland)
Temat: The Liturgy of St. James the Apostle and the Liturgy of St. Peter the Apostle as the first forms of the liturgy of the Georgian Church in the light of the work of St. Gregory Peradej
Rafał Zarzeczny SJ (Rome, Italy)
Temat: Heritage of Ethiopia and Eritrea: sacred architecture as testimony of the unity of the Christian world
Marcin Krawczuk (Warszawa, Poland)
Temat: Contra Saracenos. Apologia of Christianity and polemic against Islam in Ethiopian hagiographies
Dobrochna Zielińska (Warszawa, Poland)
Temat: Holy Mothers of the Nile Vally. The Cult of the Virgin Mary in the context of Egyptian and Nubian Culture
Agata Deptuła (Warszawa, Poland)
Temat: Greek manuscripts from Qasr Ibrim (Medieval Nubia)
Karel Innemée (Warszawa, Poland)
Temat: From Mummies to Martyrs, the cult of the deceased and Christian relics in Egypt
Grzegorz Ochała (Warszawa, Poland)
Temat: In the bosoms of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob: Christian Nubian funerary stelae as a source for studying eschatology, liturgy and scribal traditions